An image of UX-AF website mockup

ux-af wEBSITE

live project


Project brief
At the beginning of my first semester, I enrolled in the User Experience and Usability course, requiring the selection of a website for analysis and improvement. I opted to work on my professor's website, a design agency known as UX-AF. This agency specializes in assisting organizations and startups in enhancing their websites, digital products, and applications through comprehensive user experience analysis and research. However, the chosen website faces challenges, notably the absence of detailed information about specific services offered by the company. Additionally, issues related to navigation difficulties and certain accessibility concerns within the user interface need to be addressed to enhance the overall user experience.
3 Months
My role
UX Researcher
UI Designer
(Lead Interviews, Scoping, Visual Design, Prototyping, Design System)
Information Technology and Service
Problem statement
Screen recording of the existing website

UX-AF's website faces challenges: insufficient service details and navigation difficulties impacting user experience. Accessibility issues compound UI problems. From a business standpoint, these hinder customer acquisition and retention. The goal is to optimize the website for improved user experience and enhanced business outcomes by addressing these multifaceted issues.

To comprehensively address the challenges faced by UX-AF's website, a complete overhaul and redesign are essential. This includes implementing a heuristics-driven approach, restructuring navigation for intuitive user flow, incorporating accessible design elements, and creating dedicated sections for detailed service information. User testing throughout the redesign process ensures a user-friendly and business-optimized outcome.

design process

Understand users need and continuously deliver outcomes.

IBM's Loop method


Findings from the website will be conducted using Nielsen’s Heuristic List researched and created by Jakob Nielsen.



* There are several positives in terms of the UI that has been followed.
* There are very minimal pages on the website
* Lots of room for improvement and can boost the business

*No CTA button
*Lots of navigation issues
*Too much information provided on a single page
*The UI can be made even more aesthetic and minimal along with being accessible


Findings from the website will be conducted using Nielsen’s Heuristic List researched and created by Jakob Nielsen.

Heuristics percentage


Based on the research results, three personas were created to represent the range of the user base. Two of them are highlighted here.

Persona of Bruce
Persona of Jasmine


image of user story
image of user story

research methodologies

1. Pre-Test Questionnaire: This questionnaire helped me understand the audience better. It also helped segregate real users into the previously defined user personas.

2. Consent form: The participants signed consent forms to confirm that they were aware they would be taking part in a study for UX-AF.

3. Usability Test Plan Dashboard: The objectives, responsibilities, test tasks and procedures for the usability tests are briefly outlined in the test pan.

4. Scenarios and Tasks: These are created from the user stories, that were derived from the user personas.

5. Test Script: Script for conducting the usability test in accordance with all scenarios, tasks, and the usability test plan dashboard.

6. Observation Sheet: Sheet for recording participant behavior and comments during the usability test. This helps capture participants' emotions while they are performing the tasks.

7. Post-Test Questionnaire: Asked post the usability test, to inquire about their experience with the UX-AF Website.

8. Usability Spreadsheet: Reporting the task performance, times, and issues noted from the observation sheet and suggest solutions to fix it.

Usability Testing

I conducted USABILITY testing online with 5 participants following the scripts, scenarios, and tasks.

Image of user testing questions
Gif of research


A graph for usability findings


- 90% of participants disliked the UI of the website

- 1/5 described the images as high quality

- 100% had difficulty finding how to contact the company

- 100% found the section for works

- 4/5 participants responded favorably to task number 2

How do we fix this problem?


Re-design the entire user flow following WCAG 2.2 guidelines and incorporating standard interactions.


A major need for the website is to have a Call to action Button visible, right after the user lands on the landing page. Getting in touch with the business was pretty difficult and confusing.


Adding a section of reviews and feedbacks would help build trust for the users approaching this platform for any service.

view the full research here

discover project
discover project
A rmicro interactive ArrowA rmicro interactive Arrow

lo-fidelity screens

Utilizing the valuable insights gathered, I initiated the design process by meticulously creating old-school paper wireframes. This approach not only allowed me to tap into a wellspring of creativity, but also facilitated a more immersive exploration of design possibilities.

Paper wireframe


UI Image
Text image

Hi-fidelity screens

I transitioned to high-fidelity screens, meticulously crafting a visually refined user interface. This process, rooted in user feedback and iterative refinement, aimed for an intuitive and engaging design. Adhering to WCAG 2.2 Guidelines, the interface prioritizes accessibility, ensuring inclusivity for all users. Embracing a minimalistic approach, the design maintains simplicity and focuses on essential elements for enhanced user comprehension. These high-fidelity screens encapsulate a user-centric and inclusive philosophy, ready for evaluation and refinement before final implementation.

Mockup of home pageMockup of about pageMockup of work pageMockup of get in touch pageMockup of project pageMockup of 404 page

iterated design

The website's entire user experience has been revamped based on user testing results. Below are the key changes made.

Mockup image

Presenting the new landing page, now featuring a prominent CALL TO ACTION button. This enhancement is designed to optimize user engagement from the outset, offering a more intuitive and responsive interface for visitors.

Implemented a CALL TO ACTION button immediately upon landing on the page, enhancing user accessibility to engage with the business effortlessly. This strategic addition aims to prompt swift user interaction, making it easier for visitors to initiate contact with the company from the moment they arrive on the landing page.

Mockup image
Mockup image

Redesigned "Our Process" page with a streamlined landing experience. The iterated design prioritizes micro-interactions, ensuring a seamless journey for users as they navigate through the entire work process without any disruptions. The revamped layout minimizes clutter, offering users a clean and intuitive interface to effortlessly engage with the content.

Presenting the revamped "Our Works & Case Studies" page featuring micro-interactions and non-password-protected files. This user-friendly design aims to provide customers with a seamless experience, allowing easy access to a comprehensive understanding of the firm's work without the need for passwords.

Mockup image

I've incorporated a section for reviews and feedback to enhance user trust and attract more customers. This feature is instrumental in building a positive reputation for the business, fostering credibility, and ultimately contributing to business growth.

I have implemented a section where users seeking a job role within this particular company can find active job postings. This platform also facilitates the company's expansion by attracting potential candidates to join our team, aligning with the company's growth trajectory.



success Rate


Revenue Growth


bounce rate reduction


clicks ratio

"The website feels usable and aesthetic" - User testing

future scope

The project is currently now in iterative phase with the client and will move towards developing.
After the User testing of the final designed product the users were able to successfully complete the tasks they weren't able to on the current site. Time on task was also greatly reduced.

There are few expansions in the product that I had pitched to the client and might be designed later during the second phase.

* Have a client section on the website.
* Make a back-end dashboard to update status and projects by the client.


Initial research suggested a major deficiency in the visual design of the site. However, in-depth analysis revealed that the primary issue lay in the user flow and navigation rather than visual aesthetics. This shift in understanding prompted a strategic focus on enhancing the user journey and navigation elements to address the core usability concerns.


discover project
discover project
A rmicro interactive ArrowA rmicro interactive Arrow
An AI generated image of a UAV Workstation